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  1. Watch what you Eat.

Eat more dark green leafy vegetables such as Spinach, red and orange vegetables such as pumpkin, sweet peppers and carrots. Add more Omega-3 fish oil to your meals.

  1. Wear protective Goggles .

Your eyes could be at excessive risk, especially when playing Sports or using heavy equipment.

  1. Keep your prescription current.

Most people use their glasses over and over again. After two (2) years it is time to change your glasses. You will just be putting strain on your eyes.

  1. Get an Eye Exam.

No matter your age, as you get older, the need for more frequent Eye exams increases. Diseases such as Diabetes, Glaucoma and Macula degeneration are more likely to show up. As the saying goes – Check Yearly, See Clearly.

  1. Refrain from Smoking.

Smoking and second hand smoke (hanging around people who smoke) has been shown to cause an increase in Cataract formation and Macula degeneration (among other health risks).  SO DO NOT  SMOKE.                                                                                                                                                           

Good Eye care is an all year round concern. Follow these resolutions and your eyes will look after you for years to come.

Yes, I know you’ve heard that over and over from me, but you know something? it’s very important.

In my thirty years as a medical Doctor and practicing Ophthalmologist, I have come across many types of diseases, some very rare ones too. The eyes are truly the windows to the rest of the body.

In many cases, one can pick up warning signs of what is going on elsewhere in the body.

I have often been asked, “Dr. Onu, what are the top three (3) things one should do to prevent eye problems?” I had to think hard on that because there are so many things one should do, definitely more than ten (10) things.

Earlier I shared 5 Important tips to help look after your eyes. Today I will share three more tips with you.

  1. Protect your eyes from the sun

Harmful UV-A and UV-B light can cause Cataracts, Pterygium and Skin Cancer. Also UV rays come from highly reflective surfaces. Use a UV filter such as Sunglasses.

  1. Wash Your Hands Frequently and Don’t Rub your eyes!!

Washing your hands frequently greatly reduces your risk of eye infections. Do not rub your eyes especially when wearing contact lenses.

  1. Use Computers cautiously

Working at the computer all day is a physically demanding job. This can affect your mental and physical well-being and can impact on productivity.

Here are some tips to prevent problems:

  • Avoid Glare
  • Check your Posture.
  • Blink frequently. Use Lubricants
  • 20/20 rule- Every 20 minutes, look 20ft away for 20 seconds
  • Avoid air drafts
  • Use special coatings on glasses

Follow these tips and you will enjoy great eyesight for many years to come.


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